Saturday, May 8, 2010


Finally..... it's 9th may tomorrow. i've been waiting 4 this day so long ago. this is due to tomorrow is my last day of fernleaf kuat project! ^^ however next week still have 2 continue with my Nescafe Gold! what i can do is just console myself with:" never mind la.... at least i finished one project already!" T.T Girls really expert in cheating themselves~

today is the first time i work without ying ket... found out that many things i couldn't set up by my myself....really useless.== miss him so much, but pls, dun misunderstand( for my blog reader), i just couldn't get use on no one help me 2 set up the booth and wash the metal dispenser....:P

Luckily still got others leng zai and leng lui TS help me! Really appreciate them so much.... if not i cnt go back on time~ thankz lo..... today saw one leng zai colgate promoter from other company! his uniform damn smart! like a specialist!<3 nbsp="" p="">

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