Sunday, May 9, 2010


First of all, i would like 2 wish all mothers Happy Mother's Day, especially my lovely mum! ^^ Well, we're already celebrated mother's day on yesterday at cousin's house together with my grandma. It was really happy because all of her daughters attend to the party. I noticed that my grandma is really getting older and older now.
She can't even finish listen the song that we sang to her. Maybe many of us did not notice that grandma was so sleepy when we sang to her. However, she tried to fight against it. By that time, the scene on that night suddenly flashed out in my mind....Hope it will not happen again in future.

Today is my last day of Fernleaf project.It's really relax now. Finally finished that troubling and toghing task! Next week is the new project, Nescafe Gold! The old TS told me this project's uniform damn cool~ hahaha!!!! No need to wear that yellow colour shirt with scarf anymore.... and the most happy one is no need to let ppl calling myself auntie!!! Hope that next week with that new uniform no one will call me like this again!! ==

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